Liquid Penetrant Testing

Objective :

This course is designed for participants to understand the history, principles, advantages & limitations, examination techniques, procedures, acceptance standards, safety requirements and become proficient in performing LPT/PT examinations of various nonporous material and product forms, demonstrate capability of interpretation and evaluation of flaws, prepare examination reports.

About Course / Short Description :

Liquid Penetrant Testing or Penetrant Testing (PT) is one of the oldest and widely used non-destructive testing methods. The origin of liquid penetrant testing is generally attributed to the inspection of wheel axles in the railroad industry in the 1890s. It is considered an effective NDT method and capable of detection of very small surface breaking discontinuities which cannot be found by direct visual examination in various non-porous materials. It is well suited to the detection of all types of surface cracks, forging laps, surface porosity, laminations, hot tears, cold shuts and similar discontinuities in various product forms. Penetrant testing can be performed on magnetic and non-magnetic materials, metal or non-metals, ceramics etc but does not work well on porous materials. It is extensively used for the inspection of wrought and cast products of both ferrous and nonferrous metals, powder metallurgy parts, ceramics, plastics, glass objects.
This course covers all important aspects of Liquid Penetration Test, which comprises of

• Theory and Equipment Used
• Various discontinuities and identification of it
• Understanding of ASME, ASTM and other standards and work practices
• Preparation Methods and Practical Aspect
• Practical Demonstration & Analysis
All of above topics are covered in different modules of this course hence we encourage you to enroll all modules to learn all major and critical areas of Liquid Penetration Testing (LPT/PT).
This course comprised of 10 modules to meet the classroom training requirements in compliance with SNT-TC-1A or other appropriate certification programs and covers the body of knowledge outlined in CP-105 of ASNT. A certificate of participant will be issued upon satisfactory completion of all theory and practical demonstration training, quizzes and passing of all examinations, however this certificate cannot be considered as PT Level-I certified person without certification from the employer.

What will you teach / what participant will learn :

Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:
1. Perform LPT examinations on non-porous material.
2. Familiar Principles, applications, limitation and advantages of LPT.
3. Familiar with different techniques and selection of technique of LPT.
4. Be familiar with the different types of material can be tested by LPT. Understand basic Metallurgy related to NDT and the material tested.
5. Be familiar with equipment, instrument and consumable required for performing LPT.
6. Be familiar with the procedures, codes, standards involved with the test method.
7. Use the different types of penetrant products available to the industry.
8. Understand and recognize the typical surface discontinuities, flaws, or irregularities can be detected by LPT.
9. Interpretation and evaluation of indication in line with relevant Acceptance criteria.