This course is designed for participants to understand the history, principles, applications, advantages & limitations, examination techniques, procedures, acceptance standards, and safety requirements of radiographic testing film interpretation. It covers the theory and principles of radiation and how they apply to perform the radiography of various components.This course will be useful for those who are interested in making a career in the emerging field of NDT including supervisors, inspectors, auditors and others interested in acquiring a comprehensive understanding of this unique test method.

About Course / Short Description :

This course provides the fundamental radiography testing principles and skills necessary for those looking to become radiography film interpreter. Radiographic Testing (RT), or Industrial Film Radiography, is one of the most preferred methods of non-destructive testing methods for the detection of surface, near-surface, and internal discontinuities in the welds and components. Industrial radiography uses electromagnetic energy (radiation) in order to detect flaws. Industrial radiography is a method of non-destructive testing where many types of manufactured components can be examined to verify the internal structure and integrity of the specimen. It can be performed utilizing either X-rays or gamma rays radiation, both are forms of electromagnetic radiation.They have penetration and absorption capabilities in dense and thick material. Hence, radiography is used to test a variety of products such as welds, castings, forgings, and fabrications. Radiographic testing is one of the primary non-destructive test (NDT) method in use today. The vast majority of radiography concerns the testing and grading of welds on pressurized piping, pressure vessels, high-capacity storage containers, pipelines of oil and gas industry, marine structures and other equipment of defence, reactors of nuclear power plants and the aerospace industry.The course material expands on the basics of radiographic testing as well as interpretation of radiographic films for characterization, interpretation and evaluation of discontinuities in accordance with relevant acceptance standards.

This course fulfils the instruction outline and criteria specified in the ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A, ANSI/ASNT CP-189, and ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Non-destructive Testing Personnel (ANSI/ASNT CP-105).A training certificate will be issued upon satisfactory completion of all theory and practical training, quizzes, and examinations.


What will you teach / what participant will learn

Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:
1. Understand the principles, advantages, limitations and applications of radiographic testing.
2. Be familiar with the radiographic testing techniques, procedures, and technique sheet preparation used test method.
3. Understand the specific requirements for the technique and be able to properly select the suitable technique.
4. Understand basic Metallurgy related to NDT and the material tested.
5. Be aware of the different types of radiation sources and other accessories and other safety equipment required to complete the RT examination.
6. Understand and recognize the typical surface discontinuities, flaws, or irregularities can be detected by RT.
7. Interpretation and evaluation of discontinuities in line with relevant Acceptance criteria and report preparation.
8. Be aware of radiation safety requirements like distance, shielding and exposure time.
• Iron & Steel Productions
• Forging, Welding, Casting etc.
• Defence, Nuclear and Aerospace
• Oil & Gas
• Power Plants
• Onshore and offshore, shipbuilding etc

Different Modules Titles
1. Introduction & History
2. Principles & Purpose
3. General and specific theory
4. Different radiographic techniques of film radiography
5. Sensitivity & Scatter
6. Atomic structure, Isotopes &Half-life
7. Energy, Intensity & Absorption
8. Generation of X-Ray
9. Gamma-Ray Sources
10. Subject & Film Contrast
11. Radiography Techniques and Specialized Techniques
12. Selection of suitable RT technique
13. Discontinuities, their Origin, Types and Classifications
14. Quality of radiographs, optical density, sensitivity, Film artifacts, reshoot and retake
15. Characterization, Interpretation and Evaluation of discontinuities in accordance with given acceptance criteria of applicable Codes, Standards or Client Specifications.
16. Processing of film and darkroom activities
17. Radiography Film storage & Processing Techniques and darkroom activities
18. Radiation Hazards and Radiation Safety
19. Protection against Radiation using shielding, distance and optimising exposure time
20. Radiation Effects on human body & Detection Instruments
21. Radiation Safety